Student Poster Competition
2024 Student Poster Competition
With the support of local universities selected students are expected to present their research in poster format. Topics must under one of these categories which include:
- Energy Resources Technology and Management
- Design, Modeling and Reliability of Mechanical Systems
- Material Transition and Advanced Manufacturing
- Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies
- Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
There are Prizes that will be awarded for best posters at the end of the conference..
The submitted posters and the presenters will be awarded according to the following criteria on a scale 1 to 10:
- Purpose of your Initiative
- Presentation of the project (problem, solution, next steps)
- Economic and Technical Impact of the Initiative
- Clarity of the Presentation, Quality, Structure
- Creativity

This poster session is exclusive for undergraduate and graduate students in Saudi Arabia to present results from their senior design projects that they have carried out at their university or during internships.
You must register for the Conference and attend the in-person portion of the conference taking place in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, in order to participate; you are expected to stand by your poster during the competition to present your work to judges and other interested people and to answer their questions.
If you are interested in networking with academia to purse higher education, the poster session is a great opportunity to meet faculty from a large variety of graduate programs from around the country as they tour the posters.
Likewise, if you are looking for an industrial job, this is also a great addition to your resume, demonstrating that you have been active beyond the classroom.
Please discuss abstract submission with your advisor(s) well before the deadline. Make sure that your advisor/supervisor/co-authors all sign off on your abstract before submission; all submitted abstracts become public information, so it is your responsibility to make sure that there are no confidentiality issues.
The suggested length of the abstract is 200 – 400 words in the poster and should contain technical description of the work. Poster Presenters are responsible for bringing their posters to the conference. Please check the venue websites for information on printing services available. If you have never printed a poster, ask your advisor for assistance.